Matching items: 1620
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Thematic Time Period - World War I, 1914 - 1919
Showing 1 - 25 of 1620 (results per page: 10 |
25 |
10 Ton Holt in 210 Shellhole near Sommedieve
10 Ton Holt in 210 Shellhole near Sommedieve, France
10 Ton Holt in 210 Shellhole near Sommedieve, France
10 Ton Holt in 210 Shellhole near Sommedieve, France
110th Sanitary Train, camped in Wichita Mountains, Oklahoma
130th Field Artillery, 35th Division regimental officers at Camp Doniphan, Oklahoma
130th Gun Pits
130th Gun Pits
13th FA Storer, Debeidleloen, Sheahan, McCleary, Terrill
155 Howitzer
155 Howitzer
155 Howitzer
155 Howitzer
16th Company, 164th Depot Brigade
17th FA, Ehrenbreitstein, Germany, 5 ton tractor
17th FA, Ehrenbreitstein, Germany, 5 ton tractor
18th FA, Miller and Self
1st Infantry Division - Memorial in Vicksburg Park
218 FA above Kilberg
218 FA above Kilberg
235 Greenwood
24th Dir. Circus, Ahrweiler, Germany
24th Dir. Circus, Ahrweiler, Germany
29th Company 164th Depot Brigade
2E - 18th FA, Nv. Lierstal
Showing 1 - 25
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