Matching items: 133
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Business and Industry - Chemical, petroleum, and gas
Showing 1 - 25 of 133 (results per page: 10 |
25 |
1951 flood, Neosho County, Kansas
Aerial views of railroad tracks, Neodesha, Wilson County, Kansas
A gas line on the Mahan-Tarr ranch in Barber County, Kansas
Alfred Mossman Landon, Kansas Governor
Allan H. Hand to Pauline D. Beatty
American Carbide & Chemical Corporation, Arkansas City, Kansas
Applications for Positions
Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company's electronic microscope
Big Harvey Oil and Gas Company stock certificate #854
Big Harvey Oil and Gas Company stock certificate #861
Carlin, Docking. A new tradition for Kansas
Cities Service Petroleum Corporation, Augusta, Kansas
Cities Service Petroleum Corporation, El Dorado, Kansas
Conservation of natural gas in the home
Cunningham Helium Plant in Kingman County
Derby Oil Company, Wichita, Kansas
Derby Refinery, Wichita, Kansas
"Dickinson No. 1" oil well, Lane County, Kansas
Doyle Derrick audio interview on experiences in World War II
Drilling the Mahan-Tarr #1 oil well in Barber County, Kansas
Drilling the Mahan-Tarr #2 oil well in Barber County, Kansas
Earl and Shirley Anne Burgess with a Mobil Oil Company truck in Cimarron, Kansas
Early oil well in Seward County, Kansas
Elk County, Kansas
El Paso Natural Gas Company pipelines
Showing 1 - 25
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