Showing 1 - 25 of 292 (results per page: 10 |
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Ada and Burt McColl gathering buffalo chips
Ada McColl gathering buffalo chips near Lakin, Kansas
Address before the Old Settler's Reunion, Lincoln, Kansas
A flock of turkeys
A good day for ducks
A hold up on the Kansas Pacific 1869
Alysia Kysar to Governor Joan Finney
Antelope in Woodward County, Oklahoma Territory
Beaver dam, Pawnee County, Kansas
Billy Weldon and George Theis, Jr., getting ready for a wolf chase
Birds and Wild Life Protection
Bison on the Tall Grass Bison Ranch near Auburn, Kansas
Black Friday meets its master
Blanche Parks in India
Boys! Girls! kill the flies
Boy with skunks, Logan County, Kansas
Buffalo chips or Kansas coal, Ellsworth County, Kansas
Buffalo, Gage's Park, Topeka, Kansas
Buffalo herd
Buffalo herd
Buffalo herd
Buffalo hides in Dodge City, Kansas
Buffalo hunt
Showing 1 - 25
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