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Photo of the homestead of John Bruere and Lydia Miller Bruere. John and Lydia can be seen in the photo along with a wooden windmill, sod house, teams of horses and two small children. John Bruere began the homestead which was located near Goodland, Kansas, prior to his marriage to Lydia Miller. John and Lydia Bruere were the grandparents of Harriette Janke, after their wedding in 1888 Lydia moved to this homestead where they lived until moving to Iowa in 1894.
Date: Between 1888 and 1894
Item Number: 449709
KSHS Identifier: DaRT ID: 449709
Agriculture - Family farming
Agriculture - Livestock - Horses
Agriculture - Structures - Windmills
Built Environment - Areas of Significance - Agriculture
Built Environment - Function - Domestic - Single Dwelling
Built Environment - Materials - Sod
Collections - Photograph
Date - 1880s
Date - 1890s
Home and Family - Courtship and marriage
Home and Family - Daily life - Farm chores
Home and Family - Families
Objects and Artifacts - Communication Artifacts - Documentary Artifact - Photograph
Places - Cities and towns - Goodland
Places - Counties - Sherman
Places - Other States - Iowa
Type of Material - Photographs